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VOIZ - Dialler

How to install the VOIZ - Dialler on your android phone

  1. Launch your phone settings
  2. Go to Biometrics and security and tap on the Install unknown apps.
  3. Select your preferred browser (Samsung Internet, Chrome or Firefox) using which you want to download the APK files.
  4. Enable the toggle to installs apps.

Download the VOIZ - Dialler from here

How to use the VOIZ - Dialler

  1. Launch the app
  2. App will ask for permissions for call log, internet, microphone, storage etc.. Accept
  3. Allow App to be default dialler when in use. You can use phone app after closing the app
  4. Login in the CRM assigned to your project
  5. Click on the dialler on the left menu
  6. Click on login into the app
  7. Scan the QR code
  8. Start calling
  9. In case you need help please contact support@voizworks.com

Lady with laptop